Wow! What a week! Those of you who know me well are aware that I was just released from six days in the hospital at UAMS. It's amazing what six days away can do to your life. I spent some much needed time thinking about all of the things that are going on with me. I was visited by some great friends and I thank so much my priest, Rev. Kate Alexander, for spending so much time with me. She was a true blessing.
I am much better now. The doctors have put me in touch with some great resources in Little Rock for help with my condition. There are a lot of obstacles, but things are definitely looking up. The Arkansas Aids Foundation has been paying what my insurance didn't pay for my medications for the last three years. Unfortunately, they have lost their funding and hundreds of clients are now without their medications. While I was in the hospital, I saw a great doctor who has directed me towards several resources that I didn't even know about. I am working with a social worker who is determined to get me back on my medications. We shall see how that goes. Ironically, as I'm writing this tonight, there is live coverage on CNN as the Senate struggles to get the necessary votes to begin debating health care. Really? Should the question of whether or not all Americans deserve access to healthcare even be a question at all? Is this really even a debate? I will tell you my friends, we live in the richest country in the world but the rich have been allowed to run things for too long. Americans truly have it wrong. It is appalling to me that anyone could possibly not believe that health care should be more accessible. After living for three years in Spain, I long for that country. Quality of life was so different there. Perhaps I will one day be able to return.
I'm sorry for the delay in my writing. I am determined to get back in the groove. Also, I will be speaking on World Aids Day to the College of Pharmacy at Harding University in Searcy. I am very excited about this opportunity to discuss with aspiring pharmacists the issues unique to those with HIV and their access to necessary medications. I'm sure you all know that Harding is a private college affilliated with the Church of Christ. What a roller coaster life is! I will be sure to keep you updated on what happens. Until then, Peace. Spend time with those you love and live life to the fullest. It is the holiday season! We are all alive and that is truly a blessing!
I am much better now. The doctors have put me in touch with some great resources in Little Rock for help with my condition. There are a lot of obstacles, but things are definitely looking up. The Arkansas Aids Foundation has been paying what my insurance didn't pay for my medications for the last three years. Unfortunately, they have lost their funding and hundreds of clients are now without their medications. While I was in the hospital, I saw a great doctor who has directed me towards several resources that I didn't even know about. I am working with a social worker who is determined to get me back on my medications. We shall see how that goes. Ironically, as I'm writing this tonight, there is live coverage on CNN as the Senate struggles to get the necessary votes to begin debating health care. Really? Should the question of whether or not all Americans deserve access to healthcare even be a question at all? Is this really even a debate? I will tell you my friends, we live in the richest country in the world but the rich have been allowed to run things for too long. Americans truly have it wrong. It is appalling to me that anyone could possibly not believe that health care should be more accessible. After living for three years in Spain, I long for that country. Quality of life was so different there. Perhaps I will one day be able to return.
I'm sorry for the delay in my writing. I am determined to get back in the groove. Also, I will be speaking on World Aids Day to the College of Pharmacy at Harding University in Searcy. I am very excited about this opportunity to discuss with aspiring pharmacists the issues unique to those with HIV and their access to necessary medications. I'm sure you all know that Harding is a private college affilliated with the Church of Christ. What a roller coaster life is! I will be sure to keep you updated on what happens. Until then, Peace. Spend time with those you love and live life to the fullest. It is the holiday season! We are all alive and that is truly a blessing!