DAVID, this is a beautiful letter and deeply appreciated here. I love with my heart my gay readers, who have been faithful to me through every phase of my career, keeping my vampire novels alive during years when they might have left the shelves and never letting me down when it comes to profound moral response. As you probably know my son, Christopher Rice, is gay, a gay activist and gay novelist. I am immensely proud of him, and as a Christian and a Christian writer I never fail to mention this when the opportunity comes. David, I think all religions are changing in their attitudes to gays now. Christianity always has an embarassingly hard time with "new information" whether it is about the stars and the planets or about psychology or reproduction. But eventually Christians go back to Scripture, and to the Lord for new creative solutions, which are not "relative" but deeply truthful. I greatly admire your strength and conviction. God bless you and keep you. Anne Ric!
WOW DAVID!!!!!!!!!! What an honor...seriously! Anne Rice emailed you!!! That is unbelievable and fantastic!!!!!!!!!!